I am giving this ⭐️⭐️ for a few reasons. Its fun to play (like Scrabble), which is why its ⭐️⭐️ but it needs serious improvements. First of all, once I placed a word on the board and "TEXTING is not in our dictionary" popped up. This means Wordfeuds dictionary is too small. Also, the dealer is constantly giving me a hand with all vowels or consonants most of the time, and it gives me JQXZ at the wrong time. This is very annoying. Finally, they give you too little time to play your words (72h), and you cant enjoy yourself without forgetting to play this time-consuming game, which is the worst part about the game.
What a waste. I uninstalled it. Moving on to Words with Friends.
Hunt•R•Dude about Wordfeud